Brave New Universe
The Story of Man Leaving Earth

Our Mission

To share the joy and intrigue of space travel with you

Written by Todd and Arthur • April 4th, 2023

news #1


One hot summer in 1983 my parents drove me from Chicago to Huntsville, Alabama and dropped me off at a place I had never heard of as a thirteen year-old: SPACE CAMP. While I don't remember how much of a space nerd I was back then, I must have been really into it because it was a huge financial and physical commitment for them to send me. And I LOVED it!

I remember the zero-gravity experiments, the labs, the three-ring binder of launch scripts and the simulators. I remember trying to launch Estes rockets with some being two-staged or multi-engine designs. I remember that I was the robotic arm operator on our mock mission aboard the Columbia orbiter vehicle. It was an amazing week and I left wanting more.

But back in the 1980's the US space program was rather stale and the shuttles, although they were incredibly cool, were not easy to watch. Back in the day of no internet and limited cable TV you had to watch what was on the main broadcast channels. When the nightly news programs started getting bored with "routine" shuttle launches they would hardly even show them.

We also seemed to have a cumbersome and uninspired space program with poorly-defined goals and little ambition to do more than slightly bigger versions of what they had already done. The coolness of man going to space seemed tired. For a teenage boy with little access to space-related programming it didn't feel like becoming a part of the space race was a realistic ambition. It still felt like science fiction.

My, how things have changed in fifty short years.

Along came my little Sputnik Arthur. I can remember him jumping up and down during webcasts of SpaceX launches since he was about five years old. One mission was all it took and his imagination ran wild; for some time I think he lost track of the difference between dreams and reality. He would tell me incredibly detailed stories of his launches and where he went in his rockets, all very seriously as if it was just another day in the office!

Now as he grows older we find ourselves following the rapidly-developing movements of the space industry and even traveling the country to see it first-hand just to be a small part of it. Sometimes you can forget how much you’ve seen or how much you’ve learned, or how much more you can do. That’s why we put this website together, to bring our experiences to you and to share in the joy and intrigue of watching man becoming a space-bound civilization!

We hope you enjoy our site and if you feel like participating please click on any of the “submit your own story” links. We want to publish YOUR thoughts too so we can all share in this dream. Let’s take that Giant Leap together!


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wfwerfwrefwease check back soon for the unveiling.


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This page is going to be GREAT when it is finished! Please check back soon for the unveiling.